Inspire Learning And Growth

The world is relentlessly innovating and thus to stay ahead of the curve we need to constantly strive to improve.

As a leader you can do this via a combination of:

  • Continuing to write code so that your development skills stay sharp
    • But be aware that your responsibility is to enable success for your team. So don’t spend time writing code when you can be solving problems for your team.
    • I personally do this by allocating some hours for myself to write code on a weekly basis at work and at home on my own personal time.
  • Reading technology books so you stay on top of innovations and trends
  • Reading engineering blogs of tech companies so that you are aware of challenges other firms are facing and what approach they are taking at solving the issues
  • Reading communication and leadership books to help improve soft skills and practicing the lessons from these books at your work
  • Reading history, there is a lot to learn from looking back at history
  • Gathering 360 feedback to understand how you are perceived so that you can adapt for better delivery

As a leader you should not only embrace personal learning and growth but also create a culture where you encourage learning and growth for the team.