Simple Recap of Rest protocol

This page contains very brief information on :


Common Rest Codes


Rest vs RPC


Here, I am giving short examples of common rest calls

GET sample signature:

/ books/{ISBN}



Sample request :

GET /users

data response: [{userId:1, username: ”alice”, userStatus:”silver”}, {userId:2, username: ”jackson”, userStatus:”gold”}]

POST sample signature:




POST /users request :{ username: “fresh”, userStatus: “gold”}

reply : { id: 101, username: “fresh”, userStatus: “gold”} — reply came with user id

PUT sample signature

PUT /users/{userId} request: {userStatus: “silver”} — sets given user status to silver

DELETE sample signature

/carts/{id}/books/{ISBN} –deletes the given book from cart

Taking action on a resource

How do you take action on a shopping cart, such as checkout?

Option 1

POST /carts/{ID}?action=checkout

Option 2

POST /purchases/carts/{cartId}

Option 3

POST /carts/{id}/purchases

Common Rest Codes

Rest return codes 200: OK, 201: Created, 204: NO Content, 304: NOT Modified, 400: Bad Request, 401: Not Authorized, 404: Not Found, 500: Internal Server Error

JSON data example

Objects: { “attribute1” : 123, “attribute2”:true, “attribute3”:{“A”:1,”B”:2} , “attribute 4”: [1,2,3,4], “attribute 5”:null}

–attribute1 is a numeric attribute

–attribute2 is a boolean attribute

– attribute3 is a map

–attribute4 is an array

–attribute5 is null

Rest vs RPC

Rest APIs are scalable. They are simple and standardized, making them easy to use. Rest is built over HTTP, which is well understood. Rest provides fast performance via its caching ability (client or edge).

However, the rest protocol has a heavy payload.

RPC has light payloads and high performance. RPC isn’t standardized and requires enterprise software, which may be expensive.

More detailed information on rest API can be found in the book:

REST API Design Rulebook